For me this day is special . Not becoz its Sankranti, But because its my MOM's Birthday.
Sooo.. this Mehfil was more like a Birthday gift to mom, only she couldn't attend it since it was held in Bangalore and she stays out of Bangalore.
BTW the Mehfil was a huge success. Everyone praised it. Especially, my singing skills.
Know what? Pratham proved that he can sing publicly!! Yes , When Kris and me sang the duet Koligeet "Gomu Sangateen" Pratham joined us and sang the whole song by rote!!! We were soo surprised and also soo happy. It just proved to us that He is musically gifted and reinforced that he has a highly developed grasping power. While both of us were looking into the lyrics whiel singing, Pratham just sang along, no paper and all!! Anyways guys, remember he is just 3 years old and doesn't actually read!!
Also, this was a good opportunity for Krishna to venture into performing arts world. He sang really well for an untrained singer. No Besur Swara anywhere, a little voice training and he surely will sing like a pro!
The snack were potlucked by all of us singers. We volunteered to get Dhokla.
Now this is an adventure to remember . The first set of Dhokla that we prepared was done in the Microwave for the very first time and welll.... it didnt rise too well!!! Worried that it might not be enough , Kris Set off to prepare another round and this time in the Pressure cooker. This puffed well.
moral of the adventure -> Dhokla rises well in the cooker and not the microwave! HAHA
Kris also wanted to prepare SolKadi. I wasn't much for it since we were supposed to have softdrinks. But Still Kris Pertsisted and prepared luscious SolKadi(visit his blog for the recipe).
By the way, it was such a hit that no one touched the soft drinks and welll there was no Solkadi remaining for either of us to savour later!!! Atta Boy Krishna.
This Mehfil thus was a great one for us, our entire family enjoyed and also got acclaimed for our skills.
As For me, now I m enthused to organise more concerts in the future, I do have one planned and will shortly blog about it. Watch this space.
For more details on the Mehfil please visit Swara Shraddha Blog Post here