Monday, June 29, 2009

The Gals Meet ...

Saturday was a great day.. I woke up in the morning and the first thought was Hey Its our Gals Meet today...


the gals meant all of us friends from the BOFA days. we were 6 in all.  Each of us different yet all bonded together in a single thread of friendship..


Saraswati, the cool PM. Chitra, the serious  yet a very down to earth PM, Shruthi, the talented bird, Geena, the poetic writer, Rini, the pretty gal with brains and poor ol me...


The day went off in a flurry of activities, I had my dress picked. And my hubby has also decided on what cool gear he would wear. I spent much of my morning deciding what to attire my baby in. Nothing too showy, yet very classy and also very cozy and AHEM comfortable ....

GOLLY!! If pratham were a girl I think I would have spent even more time deciding whether It would be a frock or a more casual outfit... Thankfully, boys have not much options..  eventually I zeroed down to a wee cargo and a V neck TShirt. It was a good combination, one from Liliput and the other from Children's Place.


And yes, the Baby Bag had two other sets, one Cat and Moss and another a coudroy and T shirt.


Come 3:30, both me and Krishna were ready but Pratham dear chose to throw his tantrums... The power cut being on, we could turn on the computer to play his favourite Zhuk Zhuk Gaadi.. My singing didnt help

 and eventually by the time he was all powdered and diapered and attired, it was 4:30!! (and we were meeting up at 5)


Somewhere in the meantime, the rain god decided to show up and Rini called up asking whether the meet was still on and I was like... Hey man!!! lets not allow varsharani mess up our plans!!!


SO all Aboard the car at 4: 35, we were off to CUbbon Park, the venue of our rendezuous. Of course Rini Beat us to it and we finished second. Geena and Chitra were already on way and with the big Jam in Bannerghatta, looked like they would be some time. Sooo Rini and her Hubby Dhanesh and Me and my boys decided to board the Toy train. One round on it and Pratham was very much elated. Just as we alighted, Geena reached and she came laden with presents - yeah Big Packs of Kit Kats for the kids and Pratham's Birthday Gift.


While the boys got busy in the park trying to entertain Pratham, we gals did a lot of catching up..


In some time Chitra and her family joined us.. GOlly her kids has also grown up quite a bit. Little Ananya all of 4 years was a wee mite of 2 when I last saw her. I still remember this fairy with a little Bald head (they has the toinsuring ceremony then) and cute chubby cheeks, all concentrated  on finishing her Pongal and not a drop down my friends.. Siddharth, the Bhaiya had grown taller and quieter but still cheerful as before.


The Little ones played in the park. The hubbys kept vigil on them and we gals talked. O How we chatted and reminsced! Saraswati and Shruti couldnt make it and we missed them.


The next action in our agenda was going to good Ol' CORNER HOUSE.  Actually it is just around the corner from Cubbon park(the one next to Arlines hotel on Lavele road?) But then bangalore with its multitude of one ways, forced us to drive some 5 kms to reach it. Now.. this drive too was eventful.. We missed the turning at Minks Square and ended up going all the way via GPO and indian Express and then infantry road and Cubbon road and then Crossed the MG Road and phew.. reached lavelle Road . But Rini and company(ie Dhanesh and Geena) who were supposed to follow us, ended up following the wrong car and well, missed the turning and ended up going to Mallya hospital, Corporation and the works!!!! Thank god, Krishna with his deep knowledge of Bangalore Roads could help them with directions and eventually they reached.. Hurrah!!


Of course in the mean time, the tiny tots happily played in the mini playarea that Corner house has.


Once we were all together, we ordered huge servings of ice creams and sundaes and the gals gang spoke on every topic possible in this worlds.


It was a Gala time that we had, Meeting up after so many years, catching up on each other's lives, dissecting future plans But more so being together. This wonderful junboree brole up at 8:30.


By the time we reached home ,  it was 9:30. Both me and Krishna agreed that it was a very relaxing day.


BTW here is the invitation mail I sent out for this meet




Its long time and no see

So lets meet, shall we?


The place in the park Cubbon,

The time being with the evening sun


With Family and Kids, we shall gambol

It Will be lotsaa fun that's all….


Gotta decide more, but lemme hear your ayes..

A weekend thts it, with sweet Hi's and Byes'


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